The 3 dimensional solid element library in ls-dyna includes
4-noded tetrahedrons, 6-noded pentahedrons, and 8-noded
hexahedrons. Depending on the formulation solid elements
can have either the standard three translational degrees
of freedom per node, or six degrees of freedom (three translations
and three rotations) per node needed for full compatibility
with beam and shell elements. The connection between constituent
nodes is defined with the *ELEMENT_SOLID keyword, while
nodal locations are defined with the *NODE keyword. The
*SECTION_SOLID keyword is used to choose element formulation.
The solid elements in this truck model use one of the following
two formulations: constant stress solid element (elform=1)
is used for all rigid type behavior, and fully integrated
S/R solids are used elsewhere (elform=2).