Tractor-semitrailer web site help: Test
Access to information regarding actual full-scale test of tractor and tractor-semitrailer combination vehicles can be obtained through the Test section. The web content is organized in three units as follows:
Test |
Tractor |
Combination vehicle |
Each unit can be easily reached through the vertical navigation menu located at the left hand side of the page. Current unit selection is highlighted in separate color.

Overall fidelity of the tractor and tractor-semitrailer FEM models was determined by comparing simulated vehicle response with real vehicle response in identical crash scenarios. General information regarding the actual full-scale crash tests can be found in the Test's opening section. Test ...
Information regarding real life full-scale crash tests of tractor vehicles can be found in the Test's Tractor section. A brief description of the vehicle and the crash scenario is accompanied with links to several movie clips showing the impact from different viewing angles. Left mouse click on any image launches a new window where the user's default media player displays the animation. The test content is also conveniently link to the corresponding FEM model simulations. Tractor ...

Information regarding actual full-scale crash test of tractor-semitrailer combination vehicles can be found in the Test's Combination vehicle section. A brief description of the vehicles and the crash scenario is accompanied with links to several movie clips showing the impact from different viewing angles. Left mouse click on any image launches a new window where the user's default media player displays the animation. The test content is also conveniently linked to the corresponding FEM model simulations. Combination vehicle ...