Tractor-semitrailer web site help: Download
The Download section enables access to LS-DYNA FEM model files and project reports. The web content is organized in five units as follows:
Download |
Tractor |
Trailer |
Crash scenario |
Reports |
Each unit can be easily reached through the vertical navigation menu located at the left hand side of the page. Current unit selection is highlghted in separate color.

The Download's opening section gives inside into the organization of the material available to the general public for download. It also contains elementary instruction on how to set up downloadable FEM models for a simulated crash scenario with LS-DYNA. Download ...
Standalone tractor FEM models can be reached through the Download's Tractor section. Additional links navigate to the model description in one of the the project reports, to the on-line model documentation, and to an actual full-scale crash test whose simulation was done in part with that particular FEM model. Tractor ...

Standalone semitrailer FEM models can be reached through the Download's Trailer section. Additional links navigate to the on-line model documentation, and to an actual full-scale crash test whose simulation was done in part with that particular FEM model. Trailer ...

All necessary files required to run in LS-DYNA any of the performed simulations can conveniently be reached through the Download's Crash scenario section. Each crash scenario grouping includes tractor, trailer, ballast, barrier, tractor-semitrailer coupling, and gravity initiatialization files. A link at the top of each file grouping navigates to the corresponding full-scale test, while a link at the bottom of each file grouping navigates to the corresponding simulation. Crash scenario ...

Access to the project reports and to the Tractor-semitrailer FEM model user's manual cen be obtained through the Donwload's Report section. Report ...