Tractor-semitrailer web site help: Home
The Home section contains the executive summary of the project and key excerpts from the final report. The web content is organized in seven units as follows:
Executive summary |
Introduction |
Tractor |
Trailer |
Automated model modification |
Web interface |
Conclusions |
Each unit can be reached easily through the vertical navigation menu located at the left hand side of the page. Current unit selection is highlighted in separate color.

The Executive summary section gives a brief overview of the project objective and achievements. Links in the text navigate to additional information sources. Executive summary ...
Introductory information regarding finite element method (FEM) modeling of tractor-semitrailer vehicles for simulating crash events with barriers and roadside safety hardware can be found in the Home's introductory section. Links in the text navigate to additional information sources. Introduction ...
The Tractor section contains particular information regarding the development of the FEM model of a typical tractor vehicle. Emphasis is placed on describing the enhancements of the original model intended for improving simulated vehicle response in impacts with roadside safety hardware. Tractor ...
Detailed information regarding the development of the FEM model of a typical semitrailer vehicle can be found in the Home's Trailer section. Trailer ...
Description of the procedure for automated dimensional adjustments to the basic tractor and semitrailer models is given in the Home's Automated model modification section. This procedure was developed with intention to build quickly valid FEM models of tractor and semitrailer vehicles with tractor wheelbases or semitrailer lengths that differ from the ones in the original FEM models. Following this procedure the FEM model (data)base was expanded to three tractor and two semitrailer models. Automated model modification ...
An insight into the working behind this web presentation can be found in the Home's Web interface section. Overview is given about automated FEM model data extraction and archiving, automated generation of multi-media content, and pooling and displaying content on user's request. Multiple links in the text navigate to additional information sources. Web interface ...
An overview of the project conclusions can be accessed trough the Home's Conclusion section. Conclusions ...